How I Learned To Speak Spanish

When you decide to learn Latin American Spanish, you may be confused with all the programs out there.

  • Do I want to to try a free program? Of course you do if you believe it will work.
  • If I go for a paid program, many may think that the most expensive will work better – not necessarily true.
  • Can I really learn the language simply by listening to an app? Probably not.

I wish to give you a quick insight into my experience.

Table of Contents

Why I Needed To Learn Latin American Spanish 

When I decided to learn the Latin American Spanish language, my needs were straight forward – I needed to learn the language quickly!
My employer had decided to start a new venture in the Caribbean and offered me the opportunity to be a part of it, one of the stipulations being that I learn the language as he needed his own “eyes and ears” present to protect his investment.

I had been meaning to start learning the language for several years to help me on my vacations to the region, but now I had to act.
I researched and tested out a few different courses and materials, among them Berlitz, Rosetta Stone, Living Language, but I was not particularly impressed and didn’t feel as though I would make it past ordering a coffee or beer.

A few years ago there was not the variety of language learning programs available as there are today. I would say that the number of quality programs has greatly increased over the years and there are also a lot more “language learning systems” that are absolute crap.

On this site, along with articles about the lifestyle and culture in Latin America I will try to outline and review a variety of the courses available.

Right now, I will tell you a little about the course that I selected and why I chose it, a course that I still recommend today, although several more have come on the market, including a couple that I feel are superior.

Why I Decided On A Course

I knew a Spanish instructor at a large university here in Canada, and this was in 2003, who recommended one specific course to me – The Pimsleur Method.

It is important to mention here also that classroom instruction was not an option for me due to my parenting and work 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0743523571 Also, it was hard for me to find enough “quiet” time at home to study without being interrupted, therefore an audio course was my preferred option.

She told me that I only needed this course and also recommended that I buy a good dictionary because you will come across words you don’t know or understand, as we do in English. Discipline yourself to stop and look up these words. You will soon agree that it’s a good idea.Mtw4&bids=403405

What I liked was that I only needed the audio material – no books, no computer, just myself and my ears! This lack of other material did make me a little skeptical but I trusted the Spanish professor.

You choose the best format for you – Download MP3, CD, Software for Mac, PC, Audiobook from Audible.

There are price points for every learner as you can take the course in small chunks, or as a complete series. They also now offer a subscription service.

A Fast Start – So Important

The Pimsleur method is basically to build conversations by using frequently repeated words and phrases in such a way that they stay in your memory, These conversations are then gradually expanded at planned intervals to allow maximum memory retention.

That apparently is the science of it and it works.

What Happened To Me?

I can’t explain it very well but the bottom line is, the words and expressions stayed in my memory quite easily. You have no need to “rewind” as everything flows at a natural speed. However, I did occasionally repeat a lesson if I was not convinced that I had perfected it, but that happened maybe one time out of every ten lessons.

The instruction is clear and precise. My progress seemed to be rapid, continuous and, what proved to be crucial, gave me great motivation and encouragement to keep going.


Looking back, the results were quite astonishing as from my first trip to help plan my employer’s project in July, when I knew no Spanish, to my second trip in October that same year, I could carry on a basic conversation, exchanging pleasantries, arranging meetings, accommodations, travel plans, banking transactions, small talk at parties, etc.

If others talked at 100 mph, then I did get lost, but a simple polite request to speak a little more slowly and a smile, did the trick.

Remember, I achieved this on my own – I was not surrounded by Spanish speakers, neither did I have “study partners” to work with.

Within a very short time I felt very comfortable with the language. Yes, I would still ask my colleagues to speak a little slower at times, but that was not an issue for them. During my time back home I kept practicing but my progress kept me motivated.

Find out more here

The Courses I Recommend Today

I find the best courses available today are Rocket Spanish, and Ouino.

My review for Rocket Spanish includes links to the program. As you can see, they offer a free trial.

Also, follow this link to Ouino’s site.

With hindsight being 20/20, if I had to start over today, I would probably opt for Rocket Spanish, even over Pimsleur.


Good luck, and just get started!

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